Special Talks

Food and Water Security and Supply Chain Challenges


Prof. Zahir Irani

PhD, MPhil, BEng (Hons), FRSA, FCMI, FInstLM Chair in Sustainable Business Operations

Brunel University London


Prof. Amir M Sharif

BEng (Hons), PhD, FRSA, FInstLM, FCILT, MCMI. Director of Teaching and Learning, and Professor of Operations Management

Brunel University London

Zahir IRANI is Professor of Sustainable Business Operations and Founding Dean of the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences and former Head of Brunel Business School, Brunel University London.He has had a meteoric rise from being one of the youngest full Professors in the UK, at the age of 31. He then went on to lead one of the world’s leading departments of information systems and computing before becoming Head of the Brunel Business School a few years later. He has published extensively in areas such as information systems, electronic Government and more recently food security. He has a track record of publishing in leading journals such as IJPE, IJPR, ISJ, EJIS, EJOR, JORS, CACM and has a leading H-Index of over 60. He has received significant levels of funding from across the world as Principal Investigator, including from the UK Research Councils (EPSRC, ESRC), European Commission, Qatar Foundation, Australian Research Council, HEA and QinetiQ. He also manages to find time to write press and thought leadership pieces on higher education and graduate employability that have appeared in The Guardian, The Independent, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times (FT), Thomson Reuters, University Business, Research Foresight and Times Higher Education (THE).



Amir M. SHARIF is Professor of Operations Management and Director of Teaching and Learning within Brunel Business School. Formerly the Acting Head of School and the Director of MBA Programmes, and a past industry practitioner for well over 10 years, Amir has been involved with the implementation of strategic and operational programmes for a range of multinational organisations across fields as diverse as Investment Banking, Defence, Information Technology, Industrial Products and the Public Sector. He has worked for and consulted to leading international organisations such as JP Morgan, UBS Investment Bank, BAE Systems, British Gas / Centrica, Invensys, Sony Corporation, the BBC and many others. As a result, Amir has expert knowledge in business process re-design, performance, operations and supply chain management and information systems strategy. Amir has extensive leadership and management development experience leading the Business School and through the delivery of MBA and Executive Education programmes. He was also the founding Director of the Operations and Supply Chain Systems (OASIS) research group in the School. He also continues to provide academic service to grant funding bodies such as the EPSRC (UK), ESRC (UK), European Commission (EU) and the Qatar Foundation (Qatar).

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